Ansgar, a trained interior decorator and graphic-designer, picked up on the didgeridoo in 1993 after visiting a concert of the iconic Aboriginal rock band YOTHU YINDI.
Drawing from inspirations of traditional and modern didgeridoo playing alike, Ansgar was not satisfied with being confined to the prevailing esoteric frame-set, so he took his love for science, his nerdy science-fiction obsession, his craftsmanship, his graphic eye and joy of painting and costume, his admiration of language, his fascination with movement, dance and musical expression, and used all these factors to nurture his newborn love for the allegedly simple and yet complex didgeridoo.
Thus he developed an approach unseen before in the scene.
Apart from the musical approach, Ansgar also publishes in the field, is a founding member of and contributor to the German Online Didgeridoo Enyclopedia, and always has an eye on some of the German wikipedia-entries related to the subject.
projectpan is a platform settled around the diverse activities of didgeridoo-artist Ansgar-M. Stein who started playing the didgeridoo in 1993 and took the momentum of a blooming didgeridoo scene in Europe to present this unique instrument in fields where you might not expect it to appear.
projectPan was founded in 1996, originally as the name for a trance project by the Hanoverian Band PanGaea. The PAN in the name refers to the ancient Greek god of nature but also to their word for »everything«. Around 2000, when it became clear that the project members took separate ways, the name projectPan was chosen as the name for the platform uniting everything about the didgeridoo. In 2006 it took on its present form when didgeridoo artist Ansgar Stein continued the platform to share multiple aspects of his didgeridoo related work.